

I know, I know... the day's not over yet... But something I did earlier was funny.

I cleaned out my email. Now, I bet you're thinking, no big deal, right?
Well, see, I haven't cleaned out my email in, oh, four years.

So far, I've just deleted all the forwards and emails from school assignments and such.


In case you were curious.

I still have 4533 to read through and decide whether or not I really need them.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I still want you all to email me. This is just showing me that I don't need to keep all those random forwards and emails that are over four years old.

Wish me luck!



Sarah said...

Gosh, if you deleted all my emails that'd be a nice dent, right?? :)

Josh said...

Good luck! I need to do that too.

Twitch Jones-Rees o_0 said...

woww...I am totally opposite because the MOST EVER emails I have EVER in my ENTIRE life in my inbox was..........12. yep 12. so i dont really need to clean out anything...