Wow. Yeah, when she called me, I was in shock. I won't go into my reaction. =P
But, we had music practice tonight.
That is always such fun.
BUT, I do need to practice more fingers are sore =(
And, any of you on gchat will notice my new status...and I found a few more:
When you wish upon a falling star, Your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.
Hundreds of years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove... But the world may be different because I did something so bafflingly crazy that my ruins become a tourist attraction.
Perseverance - The courage to ignore the obvious wisdom of turning back.Cheers!
You really need to make a blog about those quotes...they really are great! If not a blog, every time you post, you can add a new one!
I love that quote about the ruins and doing crazy things!!!! I bet something like that would happen to unsaid people..... *shifts eyes*
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