
I'm not going to be home 'til July!!

well, not really.

See, I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon to go backpacking... arriving home in time for...

Lindsey and Hannah and Jonathan and Katie... and we are all going to the...

Silent Witness in Concert... which will be preceded by a fun afternoon, and lots of pictures!

Saturday will find me frantically packing for...

Sunday; another mime performance and immediately following, we will be leaving for...

North Carolina! We are bringing our boat up to the Chesapeake Bay. Barely arriving home in time for...

Altoona... playing at a mass up there (4hrs away(at a baseball stadium)), sooo excited, but we can't stay for the baseball ball game, because at 5:30 the next morning, I leave for...

South Carolina, for a week long mission trip. This is going to be AWESOME!! I LOVE the people I'm going with... we're gonna have a great week...

Arriving home on the 3rd of July!

I'm STOKED for all of my adventures this month... and looking forward to being able to hang out/ catch up with my friends in July! =)


PS- this weekend was pretty fantastic too.

1 comment:

Andee said...

...except for the, uh, experiment. lol.
i shall miss you dearly! <3
sooooooo much has happened. ill email you.