

So, today wasn't really that great. I'm feeling a lack of socialization. (gasp! I know, coming from an introvert, that's really weird, but I would have liked to at least gone out of the house.)

But, smiley stuff was:

reading War and Peace. I'm really liking it, as long as I can keep all the characters straight!

watching (or more like, finished watching) Emma. Close to four hours long, but I didn't watch it all tonight. I'm wanting to read it again, but it's going to have to wait until I'm finished with War and Peace. (check back in, like, six months=))

I'm hoping to go up to PA Saturday night, spend the night at my grandparents and see the mime on Sunday... then, I'ma going out with Andee!! yay!

...and... anyone know where the Rigmarole is?


<3 LoVe YoU fOrEvEr AnD aLwAyS. <3

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