
Much Ado About Nothing

So, as you might guess, I saw Much Ado About Nothing this evening with a friend.

It was a riot.

They had some very talented actors and actresses, and we had a great time.

In case you don't know, Much Ado About Nothing is a comedy written by Shakespeare. I highly recommend you see it.



that's all.




Rebecca Ann said...

I have seen As You Like It, which I hear from friends is their favorite along with Much Ado About Nothing. i want to see Much Ado About Nothing sometime in the future. Its easier for me to understand Shakespeare better when you see the play, not just reading the script. I love seeing it in action, it makes so much more sense! :)

Katie said...

I <3 Shakespeare!

My class went to DC to see As You Like It this past fall... it was... interesting, because they put each scene in a different time period (yup, Phebe was a gypsy at one point...).
and a tad disappointing because ALL of the actors & actresses were great, except Rosalind, the main character.


well, I'm glad this was good =)

Unknown said...

Well I've only seen Romeo and Juliette :haha: but I've heard that the other ones are good too :P But i tried to read one other one...um not so much, couldn't understand hardly anything :/ So if any one has a recondition, please send it along :)